• 골프 거리 측정기 레이저
  • 골프 거리 측정기 레이저
  • 골프 거리 측정기 레이저

골프 거리 측정기 레이저

Take your golfing skills to the next level with these golf laser rangefinders. Boasting advanced features, these top performing devices are accurate for great golfing experience. They are among the best products you’ll ever come across on the market today. The fact that they come in a variety of designs means you’ll get one that best suits your golfing needs. Whether you are an amateur or pro, these golf laser rangefinders will undoubtedly meet your needs.

  • Water-resistant body: It makes it possible to use the rangefinder even in wet conditions.
  • Unrivaled precision: It ranges from +/- 1 yard to allow you to get exceptional results.
    Scan mode: It is for constant ranging.
  • 6X magnification: It helps bring your target much closer, thereby, improving the performance of the laser rangefinder.
  • Impressive range: The golf laser rangefinder reaches up to 850 yards.
  • Black finish: It blends well with the background environment, thereby, keeping you hidden and hard to notice.

가격 대비 우수한 가치
6x 배율
펄스 진동 기술
1 년 보증

빨간색 내부 디스플레이 : 첨단 기술 빨간색 LCD 디스플레이를 통해 모든 조명 조건에서 볼 수 있습니다.
골프 거리 측정기 레이저

1. 범위 지정(스캔)
2. 핀시커
3. 핀시커+슬로프
4. 안개 모드
5. 수평 거리 + 각도
6. 수직 높이 측정

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